Hui,what a nice art at front...a devil fucking the pope! NICE! The second demo from the dutch Inquisitor is again a very pro one, like the first, as for cover, production & sound. Last one is again very good! But what about the music? Well, the first one was NOTHING against the new one, NOTHING! 'Your Pain Will Be Exquisite' shows 5 tracks of megafast, mindblowing Death/Thrash with a lot of agression and power! Voices are the most extreme I heard last time, drums are the most fast and hard ones I listened to, and the guitar/drumsound is fuckin' dirty! Rrrrright, the new one IS the better one of course! And you can be sure that the lyrics are again really exquisite... I think this band is more 'evil' and 'satanic' than one of those clowns with painted faces who produce only some 'Urglls' and 'Hargh' while paying...playing the usual Bathory-stuff..... A big rubberpoint for Inquisitor, and two mega-big rubberpoints for 'Your Pain Will Be Exquisite'.

INQUISITOR is: (fltr) Alex Wesdijk - Vocals, Erik Sprooten - Guitar, Alex Bakker - Bass, Wim van der Valk - Drums & Backing vocals